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Neretva Valley

dolina neretve

Neretva Delta covers about 20,000 ha of which 12,000 ha are in Croatia and the rest in Bosnia. The Delta contains some of the few wetlands remaining in Europe and is internationally recognized as a Ramsar site,  an Important Bird Area and Mediterranean Specially Protected Area under the Barcelona Convention.
The area presents a variety of habitats which form a beautiful and remarkable landscape. Wetlands, marshes and lagoons, lakes, beaches, rivers, hummocks (limestone hills) and mountains combine into a mosaic of natural habitats in the area of Neretva Delta.


Cane fields, wet meadows, sand beaches, reefs, karsts areas and caves are good habitats for a variety of animals and plants.

Neretva Delta includes five protected localities with a total surface of 1,620 ha. These are the ornithological reserves of Pod Gredom, Prud and Orepak, the ornithological and ichthyologic reserve of Delta Neretva and the protected landscapes of Modro Oko and Desne Lake.Lakes Kuti and Parila have been proposed as ornithological and ichthyologic reserves.
The area of Neretva Delta has been proposed to become a nature park.

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