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Ston town is a small place on the Peljesac peninsula famous for its salt fields, 5 km long wall and excellent seafood. In 1333. Ston became a part of Dubrovnik Republic. The inhabitants of Dubrovnik built and fortified the town to defend Peljesac and to protect the salt fields, out of which they made a high profit. When the construction of the fortifications with 5.5 km long walls was finished in 1333, it was the longest fortification complex in Europe and the second largest in the world, after the famous Chinese wall. Ston is a rich treasury of cultural and historical monuments. Tourists are especially attracted by gastronomic specialties of the region, primarily oysters, mussels and other seafood that makes the Malo Stonski Bay famous. In other words, Ston town should be visited and enjoyed in every sense.

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